Keenan Simik Komaksiutiksak

Keenan Simik Komaksiutiksak suffers from anxiety. The best way for them to ease their mind and get their head back on track has always been through improvisational dance. Growing up, the practice of improvisation, movement and dancing was a solace for expressing their feelings through their body. They are an intergenerational survivor of the Residential school system of Canada. Harm reduction has always been their priority, and dance has been at the center of this, as a vehicle to express their emotions when it wasn’t always possible to communicate them through words. Dance has offered them a space for dialogue that helped them cope with intergenerational trauma throughout their life. As a guest to Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal, they find it important that they situate themselves within the community and continue to build and foster relationships, and further their development as an emerging choreographer.