Support the creation of the Green space: art and care
For two years now, LA SERRE – arts vivants and the Centre de psychologie Gouin (CPG) have been working together to create a unique network of art and care. In the course of their exchanges, the partners have imagined together the development of a Green space: art and care, conducive to the development of cross-disciplinary initiatives and open to neighbouring communities, LA SERRE artists and CPG patients. Activities in partnership with the neighborhood organizations that the CPG supports, artistic presentations by LA SERRE, cross-sector encounters, cultural mediation workshops and much more to happen in this new space.
The Centre de psychologie Gouin and LA SERRE – arts vivants are therefore appealing to your generosity to make this idea a reality: finance the materials, plants and labor; look forward to its official opening in May 2024!
GOAL: $18,000
+ Shared values of hospitality, solidarity, creativity, development, eco-responsibility and knowledge sharing
+ Involvement in the life of the neighbourhood
+ Offering a stimulating and unifying work environment to our respective teams and communities
+ Developing shared outdoor spaces used as a bridge between the two organizations
+ Provoking encounters and opening up dialogue.
Watch the video
Étienne René-Contant
Landscape Architect
Lourdès Rodriguez Del Barrio
Professor at École de Travail social, Université de Montréal
Watch the video
Eveline Gagnon
General Director of Centre de psychologie Gouin
Claudel Doucet
Artistic Director and Co-Executive Director at LA SERRE – arts vivants
Watch the video
Alexia Vinci
Étienne René-Contant
Landscape Architect
A donation of…
- $20 buys 1 medicinal perennial
- $50 buys 4 2×4 joists
- $100 buys 1 cubic yard of potting soil
- $120 buys 1 tree
- $250 buys 5 hours of labor
- $300 buys 1 Adirondack chair
- $1000 buys all the wood needed to build the contemplative zone
- $5000 buys all the materials needed to build the meeting zone!
Would you like to help build the Green space?
Our goal is to encourage residents, artists, caregivers and patients to facilitate collaboration and to bond through networks, partnerships, human and material resources of both organizations. In addition to stimulating neighbourhood life with a range of activities and creating meeting spaces with the community, the Green space will enable us to concretely link our two areas of expertise: art and care. The Centre de psychologie Gouin and LA SERRE – arts vivants are therefore appealing to your generosity to make this idea a reality: finance the materials, plants and labor; look forward to its official opening in May 2024!
Located in the current parking area, the meeting zone will provide a place to meet and exchange ideas. Built on a wooden platform, with a pergola, table and benches, and a planting area for a tree, this space is designed to be friendly and welcoming. Ideal for cultural mediation activities, it will l bring life and greenery to our parking lot!
Located on the existing grass area, the contemplative zone is intended to be more intimate, surrounded by an edible garden, medicinal plants and sacred herbs. A space for individual work, reflection and rejuvenation after a therapeutic session, a creative residency or a work session. We envision a central wooden platform and seating furniture, surrounded by three mounds of planted vegetation that will also welcome the neighbourhood and our respective communities. Multiple possibilities for programming on this platform, which doubles as an outdoor stage: cross-sector encounters, cultural mediation, workshops with our partners, artistic presentations and more!
GARDENER– $1 to $100
An invitation at Green space launch
Acknowledgement on the website and in the annual activity report
A tax receipt issued in your name for the amount of your donation
HERBALIST - $100 to $500
All the benefits of the previous category
Recognition on a sign dedicated to a plantation
HORTICULTURIST - $500 to $1,000
All benefits of previous categories
Invitation to the Green space VIP pre-launch event
Mention on official Green space sheet
CULTIVATOR - $1,000 and over
All the benefits of previous categories
Your name is engraved on Green space furniture
Payable to LA SERRE – arts vivants
Mail your cheque to:
39B, Gouin Blvd. West
Montreal (Quebec) H3L 1H9
Sandrick Mathurin, Marie Doucet, Claudel Doucet, Gabriel Thériault, Paul Langlois, Vincent de Repentigny, Jasmine Catudal, Louise Corbeil, Etienne Langlois, Gilbert Gingras, Martine Langlois, Jean-Robert Choquet, Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, Amélie Aumont, Colin Earp Lavergne, Jessie Mill, Émilie Martz-Kuhn, Marco Pronovost, George Krump, Wendy Reid, Gideon Arthurs, Guy Parent, Elise Langlois, Projet MÛ, Luc Pelletier, Dominique Leblanc-Bolduc, Camille Bédard, Stéphanie Laurin, Stéphane Labbé, Nina Bruneau Tessier, Danièle Papineau-Couture, Mykalle Bielinski, Louise Bédard, Marion Gerbier, Camille Normandin, Anne-Flore de Rochambeau, Nicole Ricard, Maude-Hélène Brouard, Karla Etienne, Mithra Rabel, Morgane Dugas, Emmanuelle Choquette, Gaétan Paré, Arny HardRock, Erin Hill, Stella Gauthier-Parent, Lorraine Parent, Claire Péré and our anonym donators!
For more informations
Maude-Hélène Brouard
Private Funding Manager
The Green space: art and care donation campaign is a joint project of the Centre de psychologie Gouin and LA SERRE – arts vivants. An official receipt for tax purposes will be issued by LA SERRE – arts vivants, a registered charity: 818582025RR0001