Charles Voyer

Charles Voyer is a theater artist trained in acting (Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Montréal, 2018) and in stage directing (internship, Schaubühne, 2019). He seeks a dramaturgy of the intimate, here personal narrative and storytelling are intertwined, and where the ways in which suffering transforms the subjectivity of those who are subjected to it gets to be reorganized within his body. He strives to awaken the sensitivity of the other, and seeks, a form of sublimation through the incarnation of pain. Le gardien des enfants (OFFTA, 2022) is perhaps the culmination of a recent protean process combining healing, aesthetics and transformative justice. Needing to distance himself from this process –before it might swallow him –, he embarks on a quest to extract himself from the epicenter of his work with Black hole, using a vocal technique whose elusiveness fascinates him.